Involved in Augmented Reality development? Discover OPTIS virtual prototyping solution dedicated to the development of automotive Head-Up Displays.
Head Up Displays will certainly become fundamental in the coming years. Firstly because they are a major safety feature and above all, by inspiring driver’s confidence, they are essential to ease the adoption of Autonomous Driving.
As a new feature, HUDs, in particular Augmented Reality ones, require innovation in the design and optimization, with specific attention to Perceived Quality, as the image is permanently in the line of sight of the driver. Not to mention that you still have to face the traditional constraints of the automotive industry, from frequent design changes to cross-department collaboration.
OPTIS’ dedicated HUD Solution supports you during the virtual prototyping of your HUDs from entry to high-end models. From optical design, through analysis to dynamic visualization, discover how its unique simulation capabilities and ease of use support rapid HUD design iterations, automatic optimization and delivery according to your specifications and Perceived Quality targets.
Join our webinar and discover how to test and validate the HUD of your future vehicles with OPTIS Physics Based Simulation solution.
Webinar speakers:
Cedric Bellanger
Product Marketing Manager
Ludovic Manillier
Business Development - Augmented Reality / HUD